"Monsha’at" Concludes the E-commerce Tour in Different Regions of the Kingdom

Thursday 25 January 2024

Monsha’at, in partnership with the E-commerce Council, has concluded the "E-commerce Tour" with the aim of fostering an entrepreneurial culture and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in starting and expanding their businesses online.
The tour, which commenced in September of the last year, included visits to 14 cities and provinces across different regions of the Kingdom. It involved the participation of experts and specialists in the field of e-commerce, providing entrepreneurs and SMEs with the opportunity to explore the latest global trends for developing their businesses online. The tour also featured panel discussions in collaboration with the E-commerce Council, along with representatives and officials from government and private entities, advisors, and experts.
Over the course of the tour, more than 125 workshops and approximately 1,300 guidance and advisory sessions were conducted for the beneficiaries. Around 170 entities had the opportunity to showcase their products, services, and share their expertise during the events. The tour attracted more than 20,000 visitors and beneficiaries.
Through this tour, “Monsha’at” aimed to introduce e-commerce, empower the participants, and equip them with the necessary skills to compete in the market. It aimed to clarify the policies and procedures in this sector, enhance knowledge among those interested in the field, and address their questions and inquiries.
The tour provided exclusive services and offers to entrepreneurs in all targeted regions to support their entrepreneurial projects and encourage growth by leveraging the opportunities and potentials offered in the field of e-commerce. The tour also witnessed the signing of agreements and partnerships with participating government and private entities, aiming to foster joint collaboration in developing the e-commerce sector, supporting entrepreneurs, and providing a supportive environment that facilitates all procedures related to e-commerce.

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latest changed date 25 January 2024

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